Sunday, September 12, 2010

Plagiarism.. A Bitter Reality

In my previous blog, I wrote about the drawbacks of designing. Inspite of
having a wonderful design, if not chosen, it is of no relevance. In this blog
I am going to write about a more grave problem, plagiarism of designs.

Plagiarism is very common in any creative field, be it designing, writing or
film making ..... It is unfortunate that even laws cannot protect your creation
from getting INSPIRED (an enhanced word for copying) In designing, it is the
simplest to copy something, if only the colour or the formation is changed,
it becomes another design and there is no way to prove it is your design.

In this field there is a high possibility of the designs not getting approved
and then you find out that your design is being passed off as somebody else’
ideas and then getting recreated by someone else under their name. This is

One such incident, one of my client, an eclectic jewellery designer
(although we were told that she had her own brand of bags and belts) came
to THR3E in order to create her logo. She was extremely finicky and wanted a
particular imagery of a peacock in her logo. After providing her 8 logo designs
(officially we give only 3) she did not like anything or rather pretended that
way, then got into an altercation, accusing us of not serving her and that
she made a big mistake by coming to THR3E for the logo and then went
away without any work from us. Now after 2 months her website is live
with the same design logo THR3E provided with just a colour change. She got the idea of using a particular font from our designs and now claims that it was her idea. It is easy to lie but how can one lie to themselves.

It is pitiful to learn that literate, talented and creative people cheat with people
from the same fraternity.

P.S : This blog was solely written to create awareness of the presence of such unethical people.


  1. It is so sad that even creative people don't knwo how to value someone else's original works. I wonder how this Priyanshi would feel if someone copied her jewellery designs and sold them as their own.

  2. so true mate.. this is just so sad :(
    i am not sure that the designs that she's been using on her site, woh bhi uska khudka hai ya kisi aur ka..

  3. You should shew this kind of people and take them to cout
