Saturday, November 27, 2010

Social Media Marketing - Part 2

As I explained in my previous blog what social media is, this blog is what so many companies are doing to build their online identity.

I have read many articles over the internet about social media guiding about how it works, the various platforms, having a website, a logo, presentations, eBrochures helping make an online presence. Although they were all extremely educative and some even opened up new horizons to reach, I feel that there is no strategy as such, it is the human nature, managing it, who builds the strategy of marketing (this is completely my perspective)

There are certain things to concentrate on I agree, as it is going to affect your company’s identity. But overall it totally depends on what you are trying to sell. That is where the most important part of it comes, your WEBSITE. If you believe in online marketing, I am sure you will comprehend that your website represents you and your company on the web. The only way I can judge you is by having a look at the impact your website has on the viewer.

Since the time I have started working at THR3E, I have seen that most start-ups make a mistake of not concentrating on their brand image due to lack of knowledge or financial crunches or come what may. Your Company Brand is going to be reflected by every interaction your company has with the public. A Brand is the personality of the product or service or your company. It becomes conducive to let it encompass and enhance your identity.

When your Company Brand is identifying to the nature of your business and people are perceiving it the way you want, it means you have a successful social media strategy.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is the medium of promoting your business through social media channels and it is a powerful strategy that will get you links, attention and extensive traffic. There is no other cost effective method out there that will easily give you large numbers of visitors.
If you are selling products/services or just publishing content for ad revenue, social media marketing is a potent method that will make your site lucrative over time.

There are so many people who do not realize the importance of social media and still continue to rely upon just the traditional methods of marketing. It is necessary to know that having a website is not enough to get traffic, you need to market it on various suitable platforms in order to generate ample amount of response, you require, to grow your business.

Everyone today is joining the online community. People tend to seek important information from their facebook, linkedin & twitter connections. Having an account in one of the sites is not adequate, you need to project yourself and market your profile in a certain manner and utilize it to its full potential in order to generate responses and that is social media marketing.

I have been managing my company profile for a while now, although it is extremely interesting and at times requires some creativity, overall it gets monotonous & time consuming. However there is no substitute for hardwork.
Here is a comprehensive list of a few common platforms. These are some common platforms for all products/services :

In case you know of more social media sites do post them here. Let us grow our network and create awareness of our services.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Plagiarism.. A Bitter Reality

In my previous blog, I wrote about the drawbacks of designing. Inspite of
having a wonderful design, if not chosen, it is of no relevance. In this blog
I am going to write about a more grave problem, plagiarism of designs.

Plagiarism is very common in any creative field, be it designing, writing or
film making ..... It is unfortunate that even laws cannot protect your creation
from getting INSPIRED (an enhanced word for copying) In designing, it is the
simplest to copy something, if only the colour or the formation is changed,
it becomes another design and there is no way to prove it is your design.

In this field there is a high possibility of the designs not getting approved
and then you find out that your design is being passed off as somebody else’
ideas and then getting recreated by someone else under their name. This is

One such incident, one of my client, an eclectic jewellery designer
(although we were told that she had her own brand of bags and belts) came
to THR3E in order to create her logo. She was extremely finicky and wanted a
particular imagery of a peacock in her logo. After providing her 8 logo designs
(officially we give only 3) she did not like anything or rather pretended that
way, then got into an altercation, accusing us of not serving her and that
she made a big mistake by coming to THR3E for the logo and then went
away without any work from us. Now after 2 months her website is live
with the same design logo THR3E provided with just a colour change. She got the idea of using a particular font from our designs and now claims that it was her idea. It is easy to lie but how can one lie to themselves.

It is pitiful to learn that literate, talented and creative people cheat with people
from the same fraternity.

P.S : This blog was solely written to create awareness of the presence of such unethical people.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Like The Ordinary.. Dislike The Extra-Ordinary

I have been instructed by my boss to not make this blog very content oriented since it is about design. Hence I have been late in putting this one up. I am not a designer, trying to compile something and put it here has been extremely challenging and breath taking. However I have found certain interesting designs I would like to share with you.

As time goes I am realizing that I don’t like those regular Corporate Websites where in it starts with a header then the navigation and then content how customary!!! I like to have it made interesting. But then what can be different in Corporate Websites? So trying to give it a corporate yet unique feel, here are few designs made by our designers (these designs haven’t been live since other options were chosen against them)
However, my personal opinion would have been to consider these designs.

It is easier to live life with no predominating influence, it is the same way in designing. And that is the difference between art and design.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Take On Designing

It is funny I must say I usually never write but when I decided to write this blog, ideas and thoughts have been flooding in my mind. I constantly keep thinking of something and write it down on a piece of paper or a book and at times on my hand when there is no source. While trying to make this blog meaningful and helpful to you, I realised how much I have learned in the bargain. So yet again, I am going to do the same in this article.

The most common question I face is, "Now there are tutorials available to help you create your own website why should we come to you?" And my only answer to that is, everyone can click pictures but for a wedding you need a professional photographer. It is the matter of educating people who are not aware of the strength and impact of art & design. Social Media Marketing is going to take a while to create its niche in India.

I am surrounded by design all day long. I am asked by my designers all the time to comment on what they make. As simple as it sounds, it is not that simple. I agree what they do is much more commendable than my comment but in order to give a meaningful comment and in order to let it make a difference I need to analyse certain aspects of the design. First and foremost I study the requirements then I visualize it in my mind using the examples provided and it needs a lot of wiring in the brain to build the connections and think of what will be the most appropriate solution to it. Even a simple comment can make a difference then I do not need to say how much a design can.

It is also important to be aware of what you are putting on your website. There have to be functional links available, good navigation, proper distribution of space, not too many ads, clear ,balanced and balanced sized fonts, making it search engine friendly. So all of it matters at some point, you will simply lose your traffic by not having one of them.

Well I think that is too much gyaan for now I shall save some of it for my next article.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Journey at THR3E (Three Interactive)

Since I am dedicating this blog to my company, I would like to start with my journey at THR3E Interactive. Having a commerce background, creativity is something I never quite understood. In order to market it I needed to believe in it and in order to believe in it I needed to understand it to convince others. A lot of research and reading various articles on the net helped me gain the confidence, gave me guidelines and a decent level of understanding to do what I am currently doing.

In a design lets take for eg. typography, what difference does it make whether one uses times new roman or arial, well it does. People use the web for one main purpose i.e. Information. Typography is visual communication. When i write "something" in the font Courier and then i write "something" in the font Helvetica, its clearly visible that its a thin, crisp and a sharp font. When publishing any content on web each and every aspect of it is defined as design, hence it needs to be readable, clear, aesthetic and most relative and appropriate to what you are writing it for. Typography is now considered an art form with vaious studies and specializations.

Or for that matter lets take color, space, design elements, forms, shapes all have different connotations (i will not bore you with discussing each element, will write about it my other articles, as for now typo is enough)
It can be extremely excrutiating and a very tedious tack to get the work/design right and at the same time be approved by your client. However, it is wonderful to be a part of this company and learn new things and explore the opportunity of meeting people, reading minds and offering the best possible services.

This was just a glimpse of my journey at THR3E. I shall keep you updated about new things I learn here and can guide you in case you have any questions. My email address is I would love to have your comments, suggestions, ideas, thoughts and feedback as always.

Friday, August 20, 2010

THR3E Interactive.. the design house

I dedicate this blog solely for my company THR3E Interactive.. the design house. I am writing this blog to promote my company like most of the other companies do. I am not here to write how wonderful and unique our designs are or how we can serve you better than all other web & graphic companies, that is for you to decide. All I am here to do is, show you some of our designs which you can view and let me know if you would like to avail from our designing solutions.

As for now you can view our portfolio on Any suggestions, ideas, thoughts, opinions, feedback would be appreciated.
I shall keep you posted about our latest work from time to time.